Door Depot of Palm Beach Florida




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Door Depot of Palm Beach Florida


UPGRADE with impact resistant doors and windows.

Impact-resistant windows and doors provide full-time protection against flying debris and hurricane force winds.  Additional benefits include protection from harmful ultraviolet rays, unwanted noise and possible intruders.  These impact resistance doors and windows are not only the security your home and family deserve; they are distinctly stylish and add beauty and value to your current décor. There is no need for expensive, cumbersome shutters or other unsightly hurricane protective devices.  Wrestling sheets of plywood to cover your windows ineffectively are an irritation of the past!

KeepSafe MaximumTM glass by PGT is a remarkable product that provides amazing protection.  The large missile impact test shown here was performed by subjecting the window to two impacts by a 9-pound beam traveling at 50 feet per second!  Then, this “impacted” window is subjected to hurricane force winds to prove its survivability.  It remained intact to prove its amazing durability!  This is the kind of protection your home and family deserves!

As a result of the extensive damage from Hurricane Andrew in 1992, new codes for hurricane protection now focus on IMPACT RESISTANCE for all doors and windows.  Many homes and buildings can endure high wind velocities as long as their doors and windows remain intact.  

However, if flying debris shatters a window, or pushes in an entry door or sliding glass door, the hurricane force wind will enter the home.  Roof Loss Graphic1.jpg (99250 bytes)The resulting internal pressure can blow off the roof, resulting in massive wind, water, and structural damage to your home. 

DOOR DEPOT of Palm Beach, Inc., can furnish and install state-of-the-art impact protection for your home or office building.  We can meet all of your hurricane protection needs.



Single hung windows


Horizontal roller windows


Casement windows


Fixed Lite Architectural windows


Sliding glass patio doors


French doors

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